Social Vulnerability Models

  UCF and UofSC SoVI® UofSC Georgetown Model Texas A&M CDC SVI
Defines Vulnerability As The socio-econmic factors driving uneven capacity for hazard/disaster preparedness, response, and recovery. It highlights where resources might be used most effectively to minimize adverse disaster outcomes. The potential for loss of property or life from environmental hazards. Social vulnerability refers to social groups and landscapes that have the potential for loss from environmental hazards events. The characteristics of a person or group in terms of their capacity to anticipate, cope with, resist and recover from the impacts of a natural hazard. The resilience of communities when confronted by external stresses on human health, stresses such as natural or human-caused disasters, or disease outbreaks.
Literature Basis
2003 - Social Vulnerability to Environmental Hazards Cutter et al. 2000 - Revealing the Vulnerability of People and Places 2012 – Mapping social vulnerability to enhance housing and neighborhood resilience. 2011 - A Social Vulnerability Index for Emergency Managers and Planners
Number of Citations
(as of 3/31/2024)
More than 7,572 academic citations More than 2,115 academic citations More than 274 academic citations More than 1,618 academic citations
Number of Variables in Model
29 variables selected from a deep dive into disasters literature 8 variables selected from literature 17 variables selected from previous models and literature 15 variables selected from previous models and literature
Type of Model
Inductive - typically begin with more than twenty variables, which are reduced to a smaller number of latent variables using principal components analysis and aggregated to compute the index. Deductive - consists of up to eight normalized variables that are assembled to compute the index. Quasi Hierarchical (Deductive) - Using a use a greater number of indicators that are grouped into thematic subindexes, which are then combined to form the index. Quasi Hierarchical (Deductive) - Using a use a greater number of indicators that are grouped into thematic subindexes, which are then combined to form the index.
Indicator Measurement
Place Specific. Because vulnerability is highly dependent on where you live SoVI is relative to only those places modeled. Not cross comparative. Not place specific. Absolute differences between places and scores can be compared. Not place specific. Absolute differences between places and scores can be compared. Not place specific. Absolute differences between places and scores can be compared.
FEMA’s National Risk Index, Climate Central’s Surging Seas, Florida’s Public Health Risk Assessment Tool, NOAA’s Digital Coast   National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network