Areas of Interest

Areas of Interest
Geographic Area Description SoVI SoVI 2.0 SVI Georgetown HRRC-SVI
State (Tract Level) Creates a vulnerability index and associated report for a state(s) at the census tract level of geography resulting in maps where you can compare census tracts for your selected state(s).
State (County Level) Create a vulnerability index and associated report for a state(s) at the county level of geography resulting in maps where you can compare counties for your selected state(s).*
County (Tract Level) Creates a vulnerability index and associated report for a county(s) at the census tract level of geography resulting in maps where you can compare census tracts for your selected county(s).*
Zip Code (SumLevel 860) Creates a vulnerability index and associated report for selected zip code tabulation area(s) (ZCTAs) resulting in maps where you can compare between your selected zip code(s).*
Place (SumLevel 160) Creates a vulnerability index and associated report for selected census designated place (cities and towns) the census tract level of geography resulting in maps where you can compare census tracts for your selected county(s).*
City (Tract Level) Creates a vulnerability index and associated report for census designated city(s) at the census tract level of geography resulting in maps where you can compare census tracts for your selected city(s).*
118th US Congressional District (Tract Level) Creates a vulnerability index and associated report for selected US congressional district(s) at the census tract level of geography resulting in maps where you can compare census tracts for your selected US congressional district(s).*
Watershed (Tract Level)
User Defined (upload shapefile)

* If your area of interest has < 100 features (census tracts, zip codes, counties, etc.) the SoVI model will expand to include outside census tracts for the model to run appropriately. The resulting online map and report may show some of these outside features but the maps will be zoomed into your area of interest.